Wildlife has been of interest to me from a very young age. I always had a desire to photograph, document and preserve the beauty and awesomeness of God’s creation.  Deer hunting since my late teens, I saw many birds and animals that only further intrigued me.

This website is a means to share some of what I see, in pictures here. I hope you enjoy them as much as I do. Photography gives us glimpses into the lives and behavior of the birds and animals around us.   Wildlife can be a lifelong learning enjoyment. There is always some new behavior, display, or species to learn about, observe, track, listen to and, maybe photograph.

Birds have always shown me the complexity and wonder of creation.  I believe such complexity points to a Creator.  A gift from God, for us to enjoy and appreciate.  

Wildlife is overlooked by many these days yet it has so much to offer.  When demands and pressures of life become overwhelming, birds, animals and the great outdoors offer a peace and a chance to reset your mind.

Lenny Gorski  ~  2023

The heavens declare the glory of God And the firmament shows His handiwork.   Psalm 19:1

All our images are of wild, free ranging birds and animals.

State parks, forests, wildlife refuge areas, streams, swamps, the coast and backyards.

The Remote North Maine Boreal Forest


"I'm a wildlife photographer to glorify God. My reason for being is to photograph the beauty that God has created and make other people aware of it and see that He gets the credit." 

Dr. Leonard Lee Rue III.

Over the last 45+ years I acquired and read over one hundred books on Deer, hunting, other animals and nature as well as read countless numbers of related  magazines (popular before the internet) and one could not do so without coming across the photography of L.L. Rue.  You always had an idea when you saw a glossy, full page picture of a mature buck deer caught in the air, mid jump over a fallen tree who the photographer was. Beautiful, captivating  pictures allowing a look into the lives of magnificent Forrest creatures.

The fact that a large part of his career was done with film before the switch to digital cameras and the lens used weighed two to three times as much as today made it even more amazing. Truly a pioneer wildlife photographer, he had a part in starting me on the path I am on today. I knew as I looked at his pictures I wanted to be able to photograph nature also someday. 

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